Welcome to Gloo Shop
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• porselen doll who poisoned the most•include'dress and hat
•Angel couldn't meet her fiancee, so she killed herself
•nothing special, plastic surgery needle makes her lips explode •free one dress
•her father raped her • stock (09)
•free scissor to cut her bun if you wanna kill yourself
•She is a night-villain, so dont let go out you child at night•Pre-order
This is Gloria Eliadore as known as Gloire, own of The Gloo shop. If you couldn't find what is you interest at, go check out on my offline store at Achilleous'25, Lamia, Greece.
See you there!
Notice : Please take your bad attitude off
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Thank you for visiting our page! Hopefully The Gloo dolls will be your best accompany or maybe your enemy :) See you again